About the company

Kapitalska družba d.d. is a public limited company whose sole shareholder and founder is the Slovenian state.

General information

Company name: Kapitalska družba pokojninskega in invalidskega zavarovanja, d.d.
Abbreviated business name: Kapitalska družba, d.d.
Name of company in English: Pension Fund Management
Registered office: Dunajska cesta 119, 1000 Ljubljana
Date of incorporation: 18 December 1996
Entry in companies register: Ljubljana District Court, registration no: 1/28739/00
Activity code: 65.300 Pension funding
Company registration no: 5986010
VAT ID no: SI59093927


Kapitalska družba Management Board

Kapitalska družba Supervisory Board

  • Janez Tomšič, Chairman
  • Dr Boris Žnidarič, Deputy Chairman
  • Mirko Miklavčič
  • Ladislav Rožič
  • Boštjan Leskovar
  • Andreja Cedilnik

Pursuant to the Slovenian Sovereign Holding Act (ZSDH-1), the functions of the General Meeting of Kapitalska družba, d.d. are performed by the General Meeting of Slovenski državni holding, d.d., i.e. the Slovenian government.

The Audit Committee of the Supervisory Board of Kapitalska družba

The Audit Committee of the Supervisory Board of Kapitalska družba, d.d. is a body subordinte to the Kapitalska družba, d.d. Supervisory Board. The competencies of the Audit Committee are set out in the ZGD-1 and in Regulation (EU) No 537/2014. The main powers and duties of the Audit Committee are:

  • to monitor the financial reporting process and draft recommendations and proposals to ensure the integrity thereof;
  • to monitor the effectiveness and performance of internal controls, internal audits and risk management systems;
  • to oversee the compulsory audit of annual and consolidated financial statements and report to the Supervisory Board on the results of the audit;
  • to attend to the process of selecting the auditor, propose the appointment of an auditor of the company’s annual report to the Supervisory Board, and take part in the preparation of the contract between the auditor and the company;
  • to monitor the integrity of the financial information provided by the company, evaluate the composition of the annual report and formulate proposals for the Supervisory Board;
  • to work with the Internal Audit Department, monitor its periodic reports and the department’s annual plans, and discuss decisions on the appointment, dismissal and remuneration of the head of the Internal Audit Department;
  • to perform other tasks pursuant to a Supervisory Board resolution.
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